...and of course none of us would have it any different! Our girls are still too young to be too crazy - we still had a lot of fun though - take a look...
Pumpkins were fun but Heather and I did most of the work since we still don't trust Grace and Jane with sharp objects...
Grace LOVED bobbing for apples - she likes me to tell her stories before bed at night so for the days and weeks before a holiday I'll use a holiday theme so I told her stories about Peep, Chirp and Quack going to a Halloween party. The only thing I could think of that people do at Haloween parties was bobbing for apples... I don't think Gracie really knew what that was but she really wanted to try it so we let her and she had a BLAST!
Little cheater... :)
I love that last picture of Jane. She looks really tired, and really concerned. I think she's worried about how many suckers she ate and how to work off the extra calories ;)
That shot of Jane is exactly how I feel at the end of Halloween season every year.
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