Saturday, November 8, 2008


Theres no holiday quite like Halloween for kids - all year long there are strict prohibitions on exceeses of candy, mischief and roudiness but for one day they're permitted to dress as ridiculously as they please, run around the neighborhood like lunatics and gorge themselves 'til they're sick on sugar...

...and of course none of us would have it any different! Our girls are still too young to be too crazy - we still had a lot of fun though - take a look...

Pumpkins were fun but Heather and I did most of the work since we still don't trust Grace and Jane with sharp objects...

Grace LOVED bobbing for apples - she likes me to tell her stories before bed at night so for the days and weeks before a holiday I'll use a holiday theme so I told her stories about Peep, Chirp and Quack going to a Halloween party. The only thing I could think of that people do at Haloween parties was bobbing for apples... I don't think Gracie really knew what that was but she really wanted to try it so we let her and she had a BLAST!

Little cheater... :)

This was at the trunk or treat that we went to at the church.

Janie was a pooped pumpkin by the end of the day...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Photo Mosaic

OK, So I gave in to peer pressure... here's my photo mosaic, though I don't think the Flickr picture options give you much to work with in a lot of cases... sometimes though, that makes it funner. Here we go -

1. What is your first name? Joe
2. What is your favorite food? Shawarmas
3. What school did you go to? BYU
4. What is your favorite color? Orange
5. What is your favorite animal? Kestrel
6. Favorite Drink? Malta Polar
7. Dream Vacation? New Zealand
8. Favorite Dessert? Flan
9. What do you want to be when you grow up? Architect
10. What do you love most in life? My Girls
11. One word to describe you? Laid-back (hey, hyphenated, it's one word, OK?)
12. Your nickname? Joey Bag o' Donuts

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Chicken Feet!

We just got back from a trip to Reno where we visited Dennis and Tawny. I gave a presentation at UNR to students in the mining engineering dept, which only took a couple hours, but we took advantage of the occasion and made a weekend of it. Dennis and Tawny have a beautiful new house and we were glad for their hospitality and good cooking. Dennis made Gentry tacos, which tasted nearly exactly like Heather's, even though they have no common recipe - at least not written. Those are some SERIOUSLY good tacos - always what I ask for on my birthday :)

Among the things we did was introduce them to Chicken Bones - Andrea and Ryck's version (much improved I might add) of the dominoes game Chicken Feet - where every time you play you come up with a new rule or "nugget." We came up with a good one that we'll send to Andrea and Ryck to see if they'll add it to their official rulebook :)

Speaking of Chicken Feet - Lisa posted some pics of Grace on her blog today that I just had to steal :) Lisa brought her some latex gloves from the hospital and she seemed to think the best place for them was on her feet - so she put them on and called them her chicken feet. She then proceeded to walk around the house saying "cock-a-doodle-doo" (she doesn't know the difference between chickens and roosters... though I guess roosters are chickens... anyway, we thought it was pretty funny! She's quite the ham...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Good to be Home!

OK, so its been a little while since I've updated my blog - many of you know I recently moved into a new role with my company, which will put me on the road a little more than I've been used to. This month I've already been to Montreal and Boston, each for about a week, but now I'm home for about 3 weeks before I have to go away again so thats good!

I had an extra half day in Boston before coming home so I took a little time to walk around and see the sites - I walked the entire Freedom Trail, a marked path that takes you by a bunch of the historic sites around town - I took about 100 pictures and then, inevitably, lost my camera on the last day... :(

Luckliy for you, however, most of the pictures of the historic stuff can be found pretty easily on the internet! So no, I didn't take these pictures myself, but you wouldn't be able to tell the difference if I had... (not only have the buildings not really changed much, but since almost everyone takes pictures from the marked trail, the angles are probably about the same too).

Of course I won't be able to show you the incognito (I think this nut may have come after ME if he'd seen me taking his picture) pics I took of a crazy guy in a suit throwing rocks at the birds at the harbor :) That guy was bonko!

This was an old and somewhat macabre tombstone in the Granary Burial Ground, which is where Paul Revere is buried (see next pic). I think this was the oldest or one of the oldest stones in the cemetery...

Paul Revere's Tomb...

This is the Old State House and Boston's oldest public building, built in 1713. The Declaration of Independence was first read to the public from the balcony on the front on July 18th, 1776.
This is the Old South Meeting House. This is the place, in the years leading up to the Revolution, that Bostonians gathered to gripe about taxes and representative government and not wanting to have to drive on the wrong side of the road and what not, and it's where Samuel Adams gave the signal that started the Boston Tea Party. Obviously he felt beer a much better alternative...
Also, Ben Frankin was baptised here...

This is the USS Constitution, memorably nicknamed "Old Ironsides." I got a really good shot of a cross-section of the hull construction that was pretty cool but I couldn't find that one on the webb... basically it has about 6 inches of oak on the outside, a core of oak frames about 12x24" wide beneath that, and another internal layer of 6" oak after that... actually I'm not sure iron would have weighed much less. They had samples of the oak used for construction as well as the fir used for the decking - equal sample sizes but the oak weighed at least 2-3 times as much... that they ever even got that thing to float is incredible...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Times Gone Past...

One of my good friends from my old middle school days in Saudi Arabia recently posted some pics on Facebook from a post-HS graduation trip we took to Hawaii. You may not believe a human could have taken quite so much additional flesh in only... lets see, what has it been?... twelve years but alas, it is possible. Skin shade seems to have changed slightly as well...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Moving on

I didn't really have it in me to post anything the last few days. Anyone reading this probably knows what happened to little Gracie but she's doing a lot better, healing up very nicely and she's going to be just fine. She was back to her old self within a day and a half. Its absolutely amazing how quickly she's bounced back and I can't express how grateful we are.

Thank you to everyone for your concern and support.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Playin' the Janie

Check out my new axe!... :)