So in that spirit, here are the ENGRISH TOP TEN! If you're not familiar with what Engrish is, you should get the idea by the time you get to the end of the list. Enjoy!!...
1o. What about "Wockstood?"

9. No thank you, Yoda.

8. Got some extra ducks?

7. It's SO OK!

6. It's a bit worrisome when even the Chinese won't own up to what's in it...

5. The proper English translation should be "Bullshit." :)

4. Where can I get a sign like that??

3. Feel free, however, to bedevil.

2. This is much better than the stuff made using the surley hamsters!

AND NUMBER ONE... (drumroll please Mr. Shaffer)
1. We should've shopped around a little more eh?
(just kidding :) )

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